Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nomination now open for March 6th event!

Nominate civil society speakers for the UN President of the General Assembly's High-level Thematic Debate on
"Achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls for a transformative post-2015 development agenda"

At the request of the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA), the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) is conducting an open process to obtain nominations for 3 civil society speaking roles in the President's High-level Thematic Debate on "Achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls for a transformative post-2015 development agenda," which will take place on 6 March 2015 at UN Headquarters in New York. Travel funding will be provided for the 3 civil society speakers that are selected. The roles for these representatives are outlined in Section A below.

The concept note for the Thematic Debate is available at:

Anyone can nominate representatives of civil society organizations via this process. Please read this entire email if you will participate in this process, as it has a few steps and specific requirements. Kindly note: this nomination process is not open to candidates of the corporate private sector.

1. Submit nominations for the following 3 civil society speaking roles
a) One speaker for the opening session, which will also commemorate International Women's Day. This individual must be a chief or executive-level representative of a civil society organization, and acquainted with the conferences and review processes for the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing +20) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD Beyond 2014), as well as the current status of Post-2015 development agenda discussions. For this role, OPGA will prioritize candidates representing local or community-based civil society organizations.

b) One speaker for Panel Discussion #1 on women's economic and political empowerment. This individual should be a chief or executive-level representative of a civil society organization, with expertise on access to decent work and control over economic and productive resources, and/or participation in governance and decision-making. For this role, OPGA will prioritize candidates representing local or community-based civil society organizations, particularly in developing countries.

c) One speaker for Panel Discussion #2 on access to quality education and skills development as tools for empowerment of women and girls. This individual should be a chief or executive-level representative of a civil society organization, and should have expertise on the benefits of increasing access to quality education, training and lifelong learning opportunities for women and girls.
role, OPGA will prioritize candidates representing local or community-based civil society organizations, particularly in developing countries.

Submit nominations for these three roles here:

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