Friday, January 16, 2015

Important message from Susan O'Malley, International Federation of Business and Professional Women

 The following is a message with more information for delegates attending the CSW:

1, First a review of dates: January 27th is the last day for ECOSOC accredited NGOs to register for CSW 50. Already UN Women reports as of last Monday 3939 people had registered, significantly larger than last year.

2. January 26-February 19 - on-line sign up to express interest in making oral interventions during General Discussion or during Interactive Panels.


3. YAMMER: everyone who was registered for CSW58 will be sent an invitation to join UN Women's YAMMER, the CSW 59/ Beijing + 20 Network. Do circulate this invitation to interested people in your NGO. (We will watch for it)

4.  The Declaration will be adopted on the first day of CSW 59. It will be commemorative, progressive, comprehensive and not negotiated after day 1.

The reason given is because high level people, presidents, heads of state, etc. will be present on day 1 and commitments and a reaffirmation of the BPfA will be on the agenda. Ministers can go home and say that they adopted the Declaration. Therefore, any negotiations must be done before March 9 and on the national level. The zero draft of the Declaration will be posted at the end of January on the CSW website. Look at your country report on the UN Women's website and the Draft Declaration and make comments to your national delegation before CSW 59. The National Mechanisms for Gender and Women's Affairs (the people to contact in your country) is posted on the NGO CSW/NY website.

5. Working Methods of CSW Document or Ways and Means to further enhance the impact of the work of the Commission on the Status of Women - A document is being reviewed, and comment are to be made at a meeting on January 23. If interested in the process and procedures of CSW, get in touch with the head of your delegation. 

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