Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Dear Organizations with pre‐registered representatives for CSW59,

NGO access will again be extremely limited for CSW59, due to the significantly high number of NGO representatives who have pre‐registered. There will be approximately 200 seats in the plenary room for the 4000‐6000 NGOs that are expected. That is why all official meetings will be webcast.

You are encouraged to follow these broadcasts live or on demand via United Nations Web TV at  You can also follow @UN_CSW on Twitter to find out about side events, overflow rooms, venue changes, and when registration lines are shortest. Join the Twitter conversation using #CSW59 to share information about your own events.

Please note:
 The United Nations grounds pass will be sufficient to gain access to the General Assembly Building, the Conference Building, and the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, where official CSW meetings and side events will take place.
 The only open official meetings that will require tickets are the opening and the ministerial round tables, both of which meetings are webcast. There are very few tickets available. One ticket per organization will be given out during registration at the information desk, as long as supplies last.
 Most of the official meetings will take place in Conference Room 4 (plenary room). Conference Room 1 will serve as overflow room for the first week of CSW – except Tuesday, 10 March in the morning when both CR‐4 and CR‐1 will host ministerial round tables.

For more information on CSW59, please see:‐2015
For more information on NGO participation, please see:‐participation 

We encourage you to follow CSW on Twitter and Facebook for updates: and

Join the Twitter conversation using #CSW59 to share information about your own events

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