Opening by Minister Leitch, on the travesty of child and forced marriage.
Nearly 5 times more girsl than boy are married before age 18. An important indicator to to include. This can be tracked. Son't be sidetracked, this one imporant, and can be tracked.
In 31% of countries girls ccan be leegally married younger than boys. Numbers of adolesents growing. National targets will be critical.
We have much to build on. Evidence works, keeping girs in schools. Must keep as an indicator.
watched a film done in Zambia. Project - brought girls together. Support from the community. what works? and what is being done about it.
situation inJordan, 1 million refugees, and 50% are women, and 50% are young. Increase child marriage, Rising rates, 25% in Jordan. Reasons, protection, of girs, from sexual assault. Easing economic production. Secondary reasons, if married before in syria, chances if married to leave camp. What are working, prevention aspect,. How to end? Economic incentives. Life skills, so can resist, getting married. Embracing education. Continuous empowerment of cultural leaders. Teach the community.
So many have laws, but not enforced. How do we get countires to enforce what laws they have? There are many loop holes.
Women's Health Coalition, Have experience, need to take into account the whole girls, not a single bullet, that will address child marriage. Range of things tt will prevent and stop child marriage. Can not be addressed by one intervention, Enamoured with single intervention. Won't work with child marriage. Programs must deal with Root Causes - unequal gnder norms, and gender roles plays a major role. Men control women's roles, including sexuality. Investment in girls educaiton and health. Address obvious barriers to gir's achievements. Not just about enrolling girls in schools, but what is happening in the schools, are school leadership roles reserved for boys. Comprehensive sexual education which UNESCO has done. Transform the schoolprograms. Make sue girls are school sensitive and school friendly.
Princess Mabel Van Orande, Need an Indicator, Easy one, All agreed! Identify gaps and challenges. What is process for developing indicators. Theory of change - should start with articulation of problem.
How to evaluate - work on multilayers.Community leaders. Combination - protections, and enhancing economic opportunities. Attainment of rights - right now, denisal of rights, education for example. In jordan, legal age is 18, but not followed. Add additional question of who is married before age of 15. Very ealy marriage. Other goals being suggested for SDGs that will be helpful. Knowledge of sexuality education for example.
-- Mary Scott
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