The role of the CEDAW is the main topic. Whn men suffer violence, we call it is called tortue, when it happens to women, it is called culture. Need to realize the evolution of societies. Appeal to all religions, on behalf of women, resist fundamtentalism. Appeal to all those in leadership. states observe responsibilities of CEDAW, and also SC resolutions, # 30 too. See women not considered as victims, but expressing themselves.
Women taking over responsibilities for themselves and their countries. Together with UN Women Rights and Development are consistent, and totally convergent, to be as effective as possible. Those not resisting fundamentalism, don't respect womens equality.
Girls today know they have Rights.
Religion extremism, submision of women, no religion advocates for that. Male superiority, fuel themselves on gender inequality, segregation. unspeakable suffering of women by ISIS. Bhoko Harem too. Inflict worst attrocities. Shocks human conscience.
Condemnation of aborition, endangering many women. Beside the health, very basic human rights.
In France, girls organizing, showing determination. In Algeria, in Tunisia.
What can we do? Access to media, education. Decoded, training for plurality of opinions, and respect.
Lucy Freeman - Director, Gender, Sexuality and Identity Program, Amnesty International
Repressentative from Nigeria. Northern Nigeria - covered since 2009, Both Nigeria and surrounding countires now. Massive Human rights violations. Returned from the Cameroon - Interviewed women who had been abducted, and managed to escape. Women has been living in villages, had lost husbands, relatives. Were abducted while trying to flee. While held in captivity. Must convert and marry or remain in captivity. Beaten and killed. Killed because of husbands. Seen wives of pastors targeted for execution. Find ways of escape.
Nigeria: women held captive, girls and other civilian. Areas being targeted, Large civilian population, as well. Civilian nature of many of these areas. Displacement. Facing mirad of challenges - last couple of year, impact disproportionalte on women. Women in many camps, situation dire. Not enough toilets, or water. Security at risk than men in the camp. Even once they flee, and find safety in a camp. Social, cultural rights - Country introduced curfew, impact on women - taxi drivers who took women to hospital to give birth - no longer provided. Collapse of health system. Response to that - Access to justice. serious barriers before, but now much worse.
Due dilligence - Army had prewarning but did not do anything. moving into post conflict state, need to protect woemn human rights defenders. Women human rights defenders particularly targeted. Issue of participation. in the formal peace process, at all levels.
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